A collection that captures the essence of the Jules Reid brand, combining our best sellers with our most coveted prints. This is a chance for newer fans to enjoy some of the most desired prints of the JR world, in styles that are proven. In this collection, you will either find a print you may recognize OR a style you have selected before. Some styles and prints are back TOGETHER. Some styles have completely new prints to chose from. And, some prints show up in places you would never expect.
You asked, and we have listened. This collection is a doorway to the future with a nod to the past.
These JR classics are without SEASON. They can be worn all year long, depending on where you live and how you style them. Many of us want to be on HOLIDAY more often than not. Enjoy a new dress or romper for your upcoming island hop, OR, a board room meeting.
This CLASSIC collection is a mixture of the World of JR.
Our photo shoot location sets the stage for The Orient, Bali and even Palm Springs. We hope you will feel inspired to travel, or to relax and just to enjoy in your home... as life unfolds.
We hope you enjoy ! xo, Jules